On a painting by Ryn
Density and luminescence. Acceleration and Fixity. Felt displays of Articulated Velocities. We are translucent materialities in variable modes of apparition. We are being done by Divergent effulgence. We are here for optimal Delight. How so? A Woman figure, Nude, Foregrounds from a vast brightness. Her visibility shifts. Her face, breasts, her body, arrives through different tonal arrangements. Her eyes are alive and direct. What the Painting decelerates is Her Becoming. Color, light, sound and symmetry are not on the same plane of deliverable composition. Creation manifests at disparate rates of compassion and light. Conscious embodiment is not even. In other words, say yes. The durations and intensities of your composite translucently arrange your Experiment. More of one thing, less than the other and at times shifting space. Such is the way of her Body: Constellated Emergence. Resonant arrivals. Dissonant fugues. Dissonant arrivals. Resonant fugues. The Woman she is Singular and Dee...