
Showing posts from January, 2013


shamanisms: The Real is an experiment in Belief.  Science, Art, and Philosophy are ongoing practices that constitute what is possible. Existence precedes Essence means that we live in a Cosmic milieu. Humans begin already as a set of relations.  We are nomads of the inter kingdoms. From the molecular to the exorbitant the universe is an Opening Intelligence. "Teotl" is the ever variable voltage for novel formations of Self and collectives. We begin with the above. Shamanic Art maneuvers have several functions:  Cultural creatives  both act as clinicians for a culture of which they are embedded in as reader of symptoms to both precipitate and in some instances, transform themselves and their culture.  We construct works of arts (as antidotes, medicines, catalysts, transports,  ). Initiation for us is complicity.  The particular  internalizing the Universal and defining itself a microcosm. This is a living relation to life grounding the possibility of knowledge