
Showing posts from January, 2016

Strange optics in Visionary Art.

I write this in haste.  What follows is more of a marking to disassemble a very complex socio historical space. Perhaps, it is best to begin formulating the question.  This first pass will no doubt be inadequate. What if during the advent between Buddhism and psychedelics the African American wing of the political corpus had already achieved economic, social, and spiritual power? What I want to get to is that visionary art is far from complete the way it is represented now.  The privileged white class intelligentsia dominated the narrative of how to approach altered states of consciousness. Much of the visionary art out there purporting access to Platonic dimensions and hyper space realms is usually heavily tinged with Hindu and Buddhist mythology. We must be discerning as to their veracity and inadvertent duplicity with social forces that might not fully liberate novel subjective and collective formations. By that I mean, both Hindu and Buddhist paradigm can lead...