Whissshhhhhhh… I do not know at this moment. I engrave rain. I decode psychoactive ineffabilities. I engrave rain. Much appears as precious stones on fire. Whishhhhhhh! She arrives from a luminous temple in a thin layer made of mist and darkness to bring this perfect gift. Ouhaya-ouhaya-ya! With allies of the Vast and wild I commune. copal embers glow. Fanged rainbow river serpent Deities gaze at me. ephemeral species appear and disappear. Inside the heart of The Jade One dreaming awake the Light of the cosmos on her fingertips, I sit. Here, what allows the incursion of several varieties of alterity are mixtures of compounds and utterances, sparks of divinities made from solar laughter, humming bird wings and electric water. Plants sing. I sing. We sing. There is a flash of thunder inside the transparencies. There is i...