
Showing posts from May, 2020

Impromptu Sunday Rant 1

Spiritual solidarity Soul idarity precedes and supersedes tribalisms and necessary isms for choices made on how we regulate, allocate, organize and distribute basics of survival on the Mother ship though these gotta change if we are to remain sane on the love planes. Any occasion we see some one as white, black, brown, yellow, with or without multiple sexes we have diverged from relation to objectification obsfucation perpetrating abstract ideological categories that brings partial glory but not freedom. Every time we locate some one as privileged, ignorant, unwoke, filthy rich or poor we have been ensnared, flared, forced to care for a mirage of separation when respect, love, consideration of the one on one is the way to salvation, liberation, consecration. Power. Power. Power. to do. to be done by. Always an on going relation. Select judiciously your level of emancipation. Spiritual solidarity Soul idarity precedes and supersedes the metaphysics of oppression institutionalized se...


Let us appreciate how strange and astonishing this communication platform/vehicle is. A device extracts information from the environment, photons, sound waves, and so forth, then, converts them into its own recombinant codes which are relayed back to you through its specific architecture as a simulacrum of my self or you. Sheer scientific sorcery. Nevertheless, this tells us me that: We really do not know what else can "matter" do since the range of information conveyed is still an extraction from a larger Field of Powers and its horizon not absolute. Other "technologies" place us in different locations and streams whose content is Angelic/Blissful or Hellish/Absurd and of a different kind of experiential materiality outside of what the current empirical conjuring and designs provide. Also, how things change, I mean not that long ago other variants of our species would not allow themselves to be photographed for not wanting their souls to be...


My media feed is a cyber heterotopia. I see posts from accelerationists, mystics, hard core materialists, skeptics of all stripes, Trumpeestas, lefties of all gradients, artists, brujos y brujas, cats, troll farms, post humans, transhumans, shamans, alchemists, dear friends and on. I try not to be a frog  in a deep well who only hears my own steady croaks.  I have leapt out and surveyed the field where I hear the ensemble of the multitudes of other frogs entranced by their own enclosed sound under starry nights. There is a glorious roar to it, no doubt.  A delicious wild rain of symphonic vibrancy filled with rhythms, timbres, and refrains. Yet, I also know, that beyond the field of wells there is a vast and mighty Sea. When I first saw this Mysterious Ocean after i leapt out of the sonorous valley following a hum in the distance, it was too much, my head exploded into smithereens. Now,  I am a headless amphibian that wears multi plumed hats.

Templo Lindo

Ceremony.  Medicine songs.



Tico brujo

Beware of skull eaters who follow aberrant astral paths reverse the invisible carnival and call it good bones. The face of a skeletal synthetic lightbeam is not a strand of language. Once we hollow out through luminous veins the living hour where flaming Carnations sing then the wheels flash and we get coded into stones. So, it is true that I pour entheo elixirs with starry feet ignite the lightways beyond the Master Sign. They call me Ticobrujo... the one that dipped in bioluminous time emancipatory, like a creature that never speaks.

Smoking mIrror

A recent diddy: Sort of neo cubist sonic take on the Aztec Oracle.

Covid Grifting

Covid 19 Grifters run hyper active nightmares for desolation tourists As armchair Guevaras overcode an abyss from their own way back when. I ain't having it shadow rabbit.