4 Fragments on a Neo Shamanic philos0phy

To some Ayahuasqueros, hear me:   The only Aya Manifesto is what you uniquelyd display after your journey inside the Healing Hoop.  Your life is the Evolving Statement.. The Ayahuasca Manifesto as an ecrit is a totalizing voice that is shamanic misinformation, passe, and arising from the priest mindform which replicates the dominant hierachical power structures onto the counter intelligence which is the Shamanic Fire. Beware of the Metaphysics of Presence and Societies of Control.  If you want Church go to Santo Daime.  Otherwise, elude the apparatus of capture rampant in neocolonialist appropriations of the Sacred Wild by the sheer beauty and power of your "flower songs."

In Shamanism there is no Universe or Universal.   There is the Heterocosm. A number of possible orders self arising and self organizing and at times in interdependent relation and tension. The shamanic field is heterotopic. Multiple divergent forces occupying alternate zones.  "Soul" is a polyphony of intensities at variable rates of potency and unfoldment.   The Motor of Shamanism is Motion, Change, Transformation. Not even gods and goddesses know how this will turn out. Nevertheless, activated humans can participate in Design engineering. Your  precious loving heart is the Sun dial.

You are born with a double essence.  There is your personality/history/ DNA encodings and there is your Nagual.  You communicate with your Nagual telepathically.  We border cross in Ceremony to tweek and recalibrate the Abominable and the Marvelous of our Nagual. An alive here. An alive elsewhere.  In Meso American Art the Nagual is represented by hybrid creatures with different features, powers and duration.  Your Nagual Shapeshifts.  The Nagual is triggered and sparked by the architecture of your Deep Ecology. Your Habitat. This is the Sacred Nuptial.

Remember that before words become Worlds there is laughter. Laughter precedes language. This Intimate immediate embodiment is immensely pleasurable. Opening intelligence is the precursor: the one whose name can not be spoken.  Delight in the soma angels of the Mystic Canopy.


Sha-ni-bo said…
...the return to oneself to find the initial real, in the new temporality of becoming...the blossoming....Matchstick glyphs F-L-O-W-E-R S-O-N-G-S catch fire with the breath of your divine utterances...

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