Let us appreciate how strange and astonishing this communication platform/vehicle is.
A device extracts information from the environment, photons, sound waves, and so forth, then, converts them into its own recombinant codes which are relayed back to you through its specific architecture as a simulacrum of my self or you.
Sheer scientific sorcery.
Nevertheless, this tells us me that: We really do not know what else can "matter" do since the range of information conveyed is still an extraction from a larger Field of Powers and its horizon not absolute. Other "technologies" place us in different locations and streams whose content is Angelic/Blissful or Hellish/Absurd and of a different kind of experiential materiality outside of what the current empirical conjuring and designs provide. Also, how things change, I mean not that long ago other variants of our species would not allow themselves to be photographed for not wanting their souls to be ensnared in the image, now, multitudes are seeking capture by the Media Apparatus.
What sort of Demonology is this?
And yet, for all the attempts at Totalizing politics, Ideological Fixities, and Orthodox Economic decrees, there is an inherent realm of Elusivity permeating this Civilization for the reasons stated above.
Project: Pursue auspicious anonymities amidst delivered simulations of self.
From the Lost Journals of Tico Brujo. Date Unknown.