
My media feed is a cyber heterotopia.

I see posts from accelerationists, mystics, hard core materialists, skeptics of all stripes, Trumpeestas, lefties of all gradients, artists, brujos y brujas, cats, troll farms, post humans, transhumans, shamans, alchemists, dear friends and on.

I try not to be a frog  in a deep well who only hears my own steady croaks.  I have leapt out and surveyed the field where I hear the ensemble of the multitudes of other frogs entranced by their own enclosed sound under starry nights.

There is a glorious roar to it, no doubt.  A delicious wild rain of symphonic vibrancy filled with rhythms, timbres, and refrains.

Yet, I also know, that beyond the field of wells there is a vast and mighty Sea.

When I first saw this Mysterious Ocean after i leapt out of the sonorous valley following a hum in the distance, it was too much, my head exploded into smithereens.

Now,  I am a headless amphibian that wears multi plumed hats.


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